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M*** 22-04-19 导游词

Dear tourists

Hello, everyone. On behalf of Anhui travel agency, I welcome you to Yixian County for sightseeing. I'm Wang Bing, your tour guide of Xidi Hongcun. Please call me Xiao Wang. I hope that Xiao Wang's explanation and service will make your trip more enjoyable. Sitting in the driver's seat is our driver, Master Wang, who has been driving for nearly 20 years, so we can rest assured about safety.

Xidi Hong Village is located in Yi County of Huangshan City. In 20xx, it was listed as a world cultural heritage by UNESCO. In 20xx, it was rated as a 4A tourist area by the National Tourism Administration, and became one of the first batch of famous historical and cultural villages in China. In 20xx, it was also recognized by the central government The TV station rated it as "China's charming town". When it comes to Yi County, I would like to ask you a question. Surely you all know Tao Yuanming's Peach Blossom Land? Do you know where the paradise described by Mr. Wu Liu is? Yes, the tourist is right. It's in Yi county. His descendants imagined that Yi county was the ideal state they pursued in the Peach Blossom Land described by their ancestors, so they moved here. Therefore, Yi county is also known as "small Taoyuan". Li Bai, a great poet, once wrote a poem praising Gu Yi: "Yi county's small Taoyuan is a place with thousands of miles of haze. The land is full of trees and plants, and people respect ancient clothes."

Ladies and gentlemen, this morning we will visit Xidi Village, which is known as the "Museum of ancient Chinese dwellings", and in the afternoon we will visit Hongcun village, which is known as the "village of Chinese paintings". Xidi village is an ancient village built in the Northern Song Dynasty, where the Hu family lived together. It has a history of more than 900 years. Xidi village has beautiful scenery, surrounded by mountains and continuous peaks. All its streets have been paved with blue stones in Yixian County. Most of the ancient buildings are of wood structure. Huizhou three carvings (wood carvings, stone carvings and brick carvings) are rich and colorful. Due to the less invasion of war in history, it has not been affected With the impact of economic development, the original form of the village is well preserved.

When it comes to Xidi, I think many friends would like to know why it is called Xidi. In fact, there are two versions: one is that the village is surrounded by two streams, and the water flows from east to west. It is called Xidi when the East water flows to the West; the other is that Xidi is located in the west of Huizhou Prefecture, where there was a delivery shop in the past, so it is called Xidi. Xidi village is shaped like a ship. What are its mast, sail, cabin and sea? Now let's find out.

Ladies and gentlemen, Hu Wenguang's memorial archway is standing tall at the entrance of the village to welcome us. Originally, there were 13 memorial archways arranged in turn, most of which were demolished. Hu Wenguang's memorial archway was fortunately preserved because of painting and Mao Zedong's quotations. You can see that this archway is made of fine Yixian green, which is the treasure of stone archways in China. When it comes to Hu Wenguang, he is very famous. In Jiajing of Ming Dynasty, when he was the magistrate of Wanzai County in Jiangxi Province, he benefited the people and was loved by the people. He was promoted to the rank of governor of Jiaozhou with outstanding achievements. He was also the chief historian of Jingwang Mansion in Hubei Province. He was honored as the "Prime Minister of Jingfan" by the four officials of the imperial court. Emperor Shenzong of the Ming Dynasty granted permission to build this archway to carry forward his achievements and spread it to later generations. Let's have a look again. There are 32 round decorative patterns carved on the bucket arch under the eaves, which are quite exquisite. It symbolizes Hu Wenguang's 32 years as an official, and also expresses his gratitude for the great kindness of the emperor.

Members, let's move on. Now we are standing in front of the gate of Jingai hall. It is the ancestral hall rebuilt in the Qing Dynasty. It has always been the meeting place of the Hu people. It is a brick and wood structure building with a span of 30 meters. Let's have a look. The two black marble columns with a height of 6 meters in the lower hall and the two ginkgo wood columns with a diameter of nearly 2 feet in the upper hall face each other and are symmetrical Liang Jia, how magnificent! Do you see the huge "filial piety" character in the back hall? It was written by Zhu Xi, a neo Confucianism of the Southern Song Dynasty. Let's take a closer look at the word "Shou". Is it that you can see a handsome young man bowing on his back and kneeling on the ground to show filial piety to his elders, while his hindbrain is like a sharp mouthed monkey head, which means that filial piety is human and unfilial is animal It fully embodies the Chinese virtue of respecting the elderly.

Now we are entering tujing hall. This is a residence of Hu Ji hall. As soon as we enter the hall, the first thing we see is a portrait of Hu Ji hall and his three wives. Let's guess which of the three wives is the eldest, which is the second and which is the third. Hehe, most people think that the old and the frail are the eldest Guess, that's a big mistake. Let's tell you, his eldest wife is very young and died young, so she is still pretty. Therefore, it's more accurate to judge according to their order. Then let's take a look at Hu Jitang's clothes. He wears sapphire plumes and patchwork clothes. At a glance, we can see that he is a top three. How can we see that In ancient times, ruby is the first grade, red coral is the second grade, and sapphire is the third grade. Civil servants wear the pattern of poultry, and military officers wear the pattern of beast. If you look closely, Hu Jitang's clothes are decorated with the pattern of poultry, so we say he is a civil servant of three grades. The unique couplet on both sides of Dujing hall is "it's good to study, to do business, to work well, to start a business is difficult, to keep a business is difficult, to know whether it's difficult". The couplet compares business with reading, expressing the desire of Huizhou merchants to improve their status.

Well, tourists, we visited dijitang, zhuimutang, yuanyangtang and other scenic spots. The Xidi tour is over. After lunch, we will go to Hongcun, which is also an ancient village in southern Anhui. What's special about Hongcun? Hongcun is also known as niuxing village. What about Niutou, Niuwei, Niujiao and Niudu 》Where is the spot of dragonflies? Let's have a look in the afternoon!





















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