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  • 2006-11-01 19:59:11
      具体的剧情没有  只有点剧透  
    问 Question: There have been four deaths so far on Prison Break。
       Do you know how many more there will be before the end of Season 2? 越狱到目前为止已经死了4个人(VERONICA,A叔,TWEENER 和州长),你知道在第二季结束时还会有多少人挂掉么? 答 Ausiello: At least two: one major and one not so major。
       至少会有两个。一个主要人物,一个次要人物。 他的消息可以说是100%准确。次要人物估计应该是GEARY。但是主要人物会是谁呢?我衷心希望是C-NOTE!! 10月27日新增:the man 给出的接下来的剧情补充: ichaelandsaraaretogetherinep10。
      shegoestohercarandgetsin,butshechange michaelthinksshesgone。。。。sarahwasusingtheidandcreditcardsofthewomanwhowaskilledinthephonebooth。
      。。。kellerman finds out that sara rented a car and got the license plate number which is how he tracked her down。。。。。so michael doesn't know that kellerman found sara。
      。。。but sara is tough and she can take care of herself。。。which i've said a couple times before。。。。but Michael does still care for her。
      。。。。。 michael and sara don't see each other in eps 11 and 12, but the time frame between eps 11-12 is only several hours。
      。。。but at the end of 12 Michael and Lincoln are on their way to try and get sara 第10集里michael和sara见面之后,michael进了洗手间。等他出来的时候她已经走了。
      michael不知道kellerman 找到了sara。 但是sara靠自己的能力摆脱了困境。michael 仍然很在乎她。 他们在11,12集再没有见面,但是这两极的时间跨度只有几个小时。到12集结尾的时候,michael 和 linc 正在去找sara 的路上。
       第 13 集: The Killing Box 播出日期: - T-Bag steals the prosthetic hand of a “salty vet。” He also tells the man that money is not a problem, suggesting that he still has the $5M at this point。
       He then romances and sleeps with a postal clerk in order to get Susan’s forwarding address。 Just after she gives him the address, she notices his wanted poster on the wall。
       Last sentence: “I really wish you hadn’t seen that。” (Source: sides) - Bellick’s attorney is trying to convince him to plead guilty to Geary’s murder to save himself from the death penalty。
       (Source: sides) - Michael and Linc are recaptured and “sent back towards Fox River – but they don’t stay for the full trip。
      ” (Sources: Jenzy’s source, The_Man confirmed) - “Sara changes her appearance。” The_Man confirmed that she dyes her hair darker and cuts it。
       - We meet Kim’s boss, T-Bag adds another to his list of victims; Bellick has a new job at Fox River: inmate。 (Sources: Jenzy’s source, The_Man confirmed) - Bellick gets a taste of his own medicine, T-Bag has an unexpected helping hand in getting revenge and alliances are turned upside-down once again。
       (Source: FOX press release) 来不及完全翻译,先捡最重要的说: michael 和 linc 被抓住了,并且要被押解回fox river。 但是他们并没有完成这段旅程(这么说来他们又逃脱了)。 。


    2006-11-01 19:59:11


    2006-11-01 05:39:25
  •   采访P。B。导演对于第二季的一些看法 
    Lights, Cameras, Wentworth! 
    "Next season is chaos, man。" 
    This is what Paul Scheuring says when I ask about Season 2 of Prison Break, which begins shooting today in Dallas。
       这是当我问起越狱第二季时Paul Scheuring所回答的,与此同时越狱也于今日在Dalls开机 Chaos? How so? 怎么会是一片混乱呢? "We scatter these guys to the four corners of the country," he says, leaning forward, eyes widening。
       他侧身前倾,两眼睁大地说:我们可是把那群家伙一个个逼到了天涯海角 "They are all free。 We have let guys literally out of a cage to do what they want to do。
       And they all have their various end-games which we established in Season 1。" 他们现在都获得了自由。我们可是把他们从铁窗中活生生的弄了出来,让他们作想做的事 现在他们都有在第一季中不同的末日游戏 We're in an interview suite at the Banff World Television Festival, which concluded yesterday。
       Scheuring is wearing a blue shirt。 He has short-cropped brown hair, a deep voice and intense gaze which makes him seem more like a military officer than a TV show runner。
       我们正位于昨天刚闭幕的Banff World的电视节为您做报道,Scheuring身着一席蓝色衬衣。棕色的短卷发,低沉的嗓音,炯炯有神的目光,使他看起来更像是一位军官而非电视节目的制作人 This season concluded, recall, with Michael Scofield (Wentworth Miller) and the escaped cons sprinting through a field。
       Police sirens wailed。 The cops were getting close。 But, as Scheuring explains, breaking out of Fox River Penitentiary was the easy part。
       第一季随着受阻于荒郊野外而结束。警笛的呼啸,警察们也包围了他们,但是Scheuring解释道,逃出Fox River却是相对容易的一件事 "Comparatively, they were very safe in the prison," he says。
       "Now they are behind enemy lines。" 相对而言,他们在铁窗中更安全,现在他们的身后可是一大批警察 Fans who were enthralled by the first season can expect to be shocked by what awaits。
       (Warning: if you want nothing spoiled, do not read after the jump。) 那些被第一季所深深吸引的粉丝们可以期待接下来的大吃一惊了 警告:如果你不想破坏的第二季紧张气氛的话,千万不要再往下读了 "The audience will be amazed," he says。
       "Our main characters are going to start falling by the wayside。 We kind of say this in jest, but it's true。 Season 2 is like our American Idol season。
       观众们一定会大吃一惊的,我们的主角们会开始沿路滑下,你肯能认为这是玩笑,但我告诉你们,这可是千真万确。越狱的第二季有点像美国偶像 "Because we start with eight guys on the run and slowly one guy gets popped, and one guy gets popped, and one guy gets popped。
       Pretty soon there's only one guy left standing。" 因为我们一开始有八个人在逃跑,然后慢慢的有三个人翘辫子了,很快只剩下一个人了 He takes a deep breath。 他做了一次深呼气 "It's going to be strange for the audience。
       They're going to go, `My God, they're all gone! They killed that person!' And we're really excited about that because they'll know we're not pulling any punches。
       We're not doing anything for commercial reasons。" 观众们会感到奇怪,他们开始逃跑,天哪,他们都完了,他们杀了那个人,观众们开始激动因为他们会知道我们可不是在挥大锤。我们可不是为了经济利益而为之的 This year, he says, the biggest challenge was: "Would the audience swallow the whopper that we served, which was this guy had tattoos on his body to start a prison break。
      " 今年可是个大挑战:观众们会满意我们提供的饕餮大餐么?----即那个有着纹身的人是否开始越狱? The other problem, he says, was wondering if viewers (especially female) would watch a show set in "the milieu of prison。
      " But when the pilot was shown to a test audience, women actually scored higher。 当然还有一些问题,特别是女性观众想通过此剧知道监狱中的大环境。但当此剧的试播递交给那些观众评分时,女性所给的分数会更高点 Scheuring attributes this to the show's web of mysteries, to the emotionally resonant relationships and, most important, to the casting of Miller: "manna from the heavens。
      " Scheuring将此归咎于此剧的神奇之处,尤为重要的是,一种在感情上的千丝万缕的关系,此剧的主演Miller更是被评说为:天降马那(这是指上天所赐之物) Miller, he says, is "like catnip to women。
      " And he got the role only after producers had seen about 200 other actors in L。A。 Miller就如同“catnip(不知道这是什么意思)对于女性一样”他得到这个角色可是从200名LA其他演员中同时竞争得来的 "None of them were right," Scheuring says。
       "They were all tired, boring, `actor' guys, and not true ciphers and mysteries and enigmas that we needed for Scofield。 I had never heard of Wentworth Miller。
       But he just walked into the room that day and I said, `We got him。 We got the guy。'" 他们都不对,演员们太累了,我们需要Scofield为我们带来的一个个未解之迷。
      我在此之前从没听说过Wentworth Miller,但当他走进我们的剧组时,我对自己说:就是他了! Given the show's gritty backdrop and, at times, the brutal situations, was there anything Scheuring could not do or show this season? 假设这幕剧集确有退步的话,特别是一些暴力场景,Scheuring是否会在这季中为我们呈现呢? "We didn't get to say `Jesus Christ' ever because we were censored," he says。
       "We could cut off toes and cut off hands and we could do various things like that。 But we could never take the Lord's name in vain because, I guess, Fox was very worried about angering the religious right。
      " 如果是因为删减的原因,请不要大呼:上帝阿!我们会做一些删删剪剪的事情,我们会作任何我们想做的。但是我发誓,(这是因为)Fox会对宗教权利的事感到恼火 In addition to Prison Break, Scheuring just completed a movie script about the Yucatan journals of the late actor Steve McQueen。
       He will also direct an indie film in March。 除了越狱的创作,Scheuring刚完成一个有关于Yucatan杂志的新星Steve McQueen电影剧本的创作,Scheuring将于三月开机 "If you have some success in Hollywood — if you have any kind of product that sells and connects with an audience — all of a sudden the networks and studios and everybody think, `They must have some magic。
      ' That's debatable。 But when people are throwing projects at you, you don't dive out of the way。" 如果我们在好莱坞取得一些成就的话,也就是说我们有一些作品卖的不错,观众的反响也不错,顷刻间媒体和大众们就会认为,他们还是有两下子的,这可是值得商榷的。
      但是当人们将计划书扔给你的话,你就大可不必一路到底了 As for Prison Break, which will be renamed this summer, Scheuring says he's already mapping out the third season even though his initial concept was for two years。
       至于越狱,今夏将被重名,Scheuring说他已规划越狱的第三季了,尽管他的初衷只是持续两年 "We have found a way, in principle, to have a reinvention in Season 3 with some of the same characters, but a very different milieu and very different tone 原则上我们找到了方法,在第三季里使一些原有的角色重生,但会以不同的背景以及语调出现 "So it will go on。
      " 所以越狱将会继续! 。


    2006-11-01 05:39:25


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