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  • 2011-07-19 20:22:34
    我  跟你 说      别听  它 们 扯得那么神    我来扯点 真实的     谁都能做到 的    把 设置 里得  蹲  调成  鼠标  滑轮 就OK 了       我就是这么 玩的       很好用         纯手写       靠自觉      谢谢  ```


    2011-07-19 20:22:34


    2011-07-18 23:09:41
  • 不用理楼上, 给你个视频网站 很详细的 希望采纳。


    2011-07-18 23:09:41

  • 2011-07-18 14:19:26
  •   吴尊部落格分享
    Don't doubt…Of course Iwill drop by my blog during this most important day for all the Chinese people around the world!
    不用怀疑,我当然要在这个中国重要的节日和全世界的人们分享我的部落格了!I cannot imagine how lucky Iam to be able to spend Chinese New Year with my family here in Brunei!So lucky indeed…我不敢相信我是如此幸运,可以在文莱和我的家人一起度过春节,我实在是太幸运了…2 months ago…Management mentioned that Imight not be able to go back as they probably would arrange work during the Lunar New Year!SIGH!2个月之前,经纪人告诉我我可能不能回家过年,因为在春节期间有工作安排,唉!Last month…Followed up with them but the answer is still a'NO'。
      上个月,我问他们,但是答案还是"不行"。3 weeks ago…They planned an autograph signing activity on the 8th of erefore the probability of me coming back is almost zero!3个星期前,他们准备在2月8日安排一场签名会,因此,我回家的希望是零!2 weeks ago…。
      I kept trying to convince them to postpone the activity to the 9th so Icould come back for 3nights and finally,they agreed!Yes,I know it isn't easy for them so Ireally appreciate their thoughtful consideration!2个星期前,我还是努力说服他们把活动延期到2月9日,这样我就可以回去三个晚上,终于,他们同意了。
      我知道对于他们来说这不是一件容易的事,我真的是非常感谢他们这么的为我着想!3 days ago…My plan was to come back on the 5th but everything changed at the very last minute!On the 4th,I went filming at 6am and told the director and the crew that if filming could end by 11am,I would change my flight back on the same say itself。
      My kind and thoughtful director was trying his best to help me fulfill my wish and it all worked out'PERFECTLY'!The next thing Iwas concerned was my air ticket as Iknew the flight was very full but when Icalled my travel agent,there was 1seat left from HK to e how fortunate Iwas?3天前,我准备2月5日回去,但是计划总是不如变化快!4号的时候,我早上6点去录影,我对导演说,如果录影11点能结束的话,我就可以坐当天的飞机回去了。
      没想到善解人意的导演竟然尽力的帮我满足了心愿,一切都太完美了!我关心的另一件事是机票的问题,因为我知道机票真的是不好买到,但我打电话问的时候,竟然被告知从香港到文莱的飞机还有一个空位,看,我是多么的幸运?Don't know why Iwanna share these with you guys but Imust tell all of you…知道我为什么要把这些事情与你们分享吗,让我告诉你…'NEVER LOSE HOPE'if you believe in something or you want to achieve something,Never give up because there is always achance as long as your heart doesn't stop pounding!"永远不要失去希望",如果你坚信某些事情,或者是你下定决心一定要做到某些事情,永远不要放弃,因为机会一直存在,就像人的心跳永不停止。
      As an artiste,I know there are many of you who have put in so much effort to support me in so many different ways and all these really mean alot to me!During this special day,I want to wish my bosses,my colleagues,my lovely fan clubs and all my friends and supporters in every small corner of this globe avery Happy Chinese New Year filled with lots of Joy,Luck and Health!身为一个艺人,我知道你们中的许多人都全力的、用不同的方式支持我,而这些对于我来说,真的是一笔很大的财富。
      在这个特别的日子里,我要祝福我的上司,我的同事,我可爱的粉丝们,还有在这个地球的每一个角落支持着我的朋友们,希望你们新的一年可以快快乐乐、健健康康、幸福如意!Quote to share:-小分享:'There is never an end till your last breath…Keep Trying!'"一切都不会结束,直至生命的尽头…永不放弃!"From Mr。
      Happy to all his Happy supporters:-)快乐先生致所有快乐的支持者:-) 由百度贴吧转载 喜欢尊说的这句话: "永远不要失去希望",如果你坚信某些事情,或者是你下定决心一定要做到某些事情,永远不要放弃 酷伊美服饰反骗子,因为机会一直存在,就像人的心跳永不停止。
       我家尊尊会喜欢自己以上那张照片呢? "七"乐无穷,尽在新浪新版博客,快来体验啊~请点击进入~ 轻松一夏:"我爸是李刚"造句大赛:窗前明月光,我爸是李刚;老夫聊发少年狂,我爸爸,是李刚;试问卷帘人,却道我爸是李刚;日日思君不见君,我爸是李刚;假如生活欺骗了你,不要悲伤,我爸是李刚;前世五百年的回眸,才换来今生的我爸是李刚;我在遥望,月亮之上,我爸是李刚… 酷伊美反骗子qr。


    2011-07-18 14:19:26




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